Tuesday 29 April 2014

Minion Wedding Tutorial (part 2, Groom)

This tutorial is for the groom minion to go with the bride tutorial I did earlier in the week. For some reason I found the groom a little harder to do in the early stages, but I enjoyed making the suit and top hat!! For a more detailed description of the initial stages of making a minion be it male or female, see bride tutorial (I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot)

Same with the bride, I baked two cakes in my 5 inch tin (lemon this time!) using the same quantity of ingredients as for the bride (see previous blog)
I stuck the sponge together with lemon curd and used lemon buttercream to crumb coat and ice the entire thing.

Once again I cut a small mouth shaped indentation into the body..

I covered the minion with yellow fondant and pressed in the mouth...as you can see it didn't go as smoothly as the brides... I was also worried I hadn't got the same colour..

But they seemed to match quite well in the end !

Next were the eyes, however I decide to make Charlotte's fiancé have two eyes instead of one (sorry Charlotte.) I used two circle cutters to cut out the grey lenses, white eyes, then used small balls of green, black and white for detailing.

Like with the bride, I detailed the green eyes with a knife...

..before putting it all together with some warm water.

It did take some trial and error before I realised the green parts of the eye should be closer together or it looked completely  bog-eyed, so I had to repeat the eye process again! 

Using a knife, I freehand cut out a mouth and rolled 4 balls of white fondant to make teeth...

And pressed it into the gap where the mouth should be. 

Then I added a lip by rolling a yellow piece of fondant into a sausage shape, some black eye straps which were two strips of black fondant and the shirt.
This is literally a rectangle of white fondant with two small triangles free hand cut and all stuck on with some warm water. 

I made a small silvery tie from fondant...

I also made a slight cut down the shirt and using a tooth pick added button detailing.

Next I coloured some fondant navy blue..

And added a jacket (I also added this pocket with a hanker chief, however I later took this off and put laples on the jacket before replacing the pocket. Small details like this will make your cake look even better!)

Oops, there we are

I added a tiny matching rose on the grooms button hole and secured it with some green buttercream. 

I used an edible jelly diamond for the ring 

I rolled up a ball of navy fondant, and stuck it on a flat circle of fondant to make the top hat, rolled brown pieces of fondant into long sausages for the hair, and more navy fondant bits for the legs.

I then added a plaque to finish it off with Charlotte and Ben's name and the date of their wedding... Super cute.

Minion Wedding Tutorial (part 1, Bride)

This is going to be a two part tutorial simply because it takes quite a long time for each cake! Anyway! My friend Charlotte is marrying her fiancé Ben this weekend and have asked me to make two small minion cakes to represent them... In bride and groom form!! I am first to admit I'm not great at novelty cakes, but I do think I'm getting a little better so I thought I may as well give it a go.

First I made some chocolate cake batter

300g stork margarine
300g caster sugar
5 eggs
280g self raising flour
60g cocoa powder

I used half the mixture and poured it into my 5 inch cake tin.... As I only have one tin this size I had to do it twice.

I placed them on top of each other with a little buttercream in between, shaved the top into a rounded shape then crumb coated it all over with buttercream.

 After it had slightly hardened I did another coating of buttercream. 

Once that was hardened as well, I cut a small "mouth" out of the cake with a sharp knife and scraped a little bit of the cake out.. This ensures the fondant will smooth into the crack and form a mouth shape on the outside.

I then coloured some fondant using Sugarflair "Egg Yolk/Cream" to make the yellow used for the minion's skin.

I'm not great at icing cakes in general, even if they are 5 inches in diameter, so this was a little tricky for me too. I used two layers of fondant to make it especially smooth. A tip whilst rolling fondant is to use CORNFLOUR and not ICING SUGAR. Also try not to hold/roll/touch the fondant too much or it will dry out really easily. 

Here is my covered minion (see the mouth!) don't worry if the back doesn't look this smooth (mine doesn't!) you can make sure to cover it with hair/clothes/more fondant.)

I then went to roll out some fondant for the eye. As minions have this lens around their eyes, I rolled out some grey fondant and used a circle cutter to create it (I know some cakes go all high-tech and have 3D lenses but I thought I'd play it safe!)

You need a slightly smaller circle cutter for the eyeball, and obviously use white fondant to achieve that. Then I coloured some more fondant brown (because Charlotte has brown eyes and I'm obviously trying to replicate her in Minion form!), made a small ball with my fingers and pressed it flat.  I then used a knife to detail the iris, and did the same with smaller balls of black and white fondant to make the pupil and it's shine! Easy.

At this point I used a little bit of warm water to stick the fondant eye to the fondant body.... And it starts looking a little bit more like a Minion! As with most novelty cakes I do, it always is a bit of a trial and error if I haven't done them before and I can kind of grasp early on whether it's going to be successful or not... So right now I'm thinking it is!!

Next, I flattened a little bit of black fondant and cut it into a smiling mouth shape. I rolled 4 small balls of white fondant and squashed them onto the mouth to make teeth, then sliced across the top of the mouth so they were straight....

..then into the mouth gap it went! Again I used a little bit of warm water to help it stick.

I used some more grey fondant to make the small metal bits on either side of the lens (great terminology there) and free hand cut them into shape.

I then stuck them on with more warm water, and used black fondant to create straps to go around the back of her head. 

Then rolled a small bit of yellow fondant into a sausage shape and stuck it below the mouth to create a lip shape.

So far, so good! Definitely looks like a minion.. And not too much work so far

Charlotte has blonde hair, so I coloured some of the yellow fondant with white so it wasn't the exact same colour as the Minion's skin. I rolled some more long sausage shapes to create hair, and stuck them onto its head by using warm water. As it's a wedding, I decided to curl the side of the "fringe" in a wedding like coif..

Then added some eyelashes from tiny strips of black fondant to make it a little more girly! (And a wedding dress...)

Next I covered the cake board in a dusty pink fondant (made by mixing shop bought red and white fondant... It makes really nice vintage type pinks!) and placed my minion on top with a little bit of buttercream.  I used some white fondant and fashioned a dress on her, nothing too fancy or complicated...I just cut out a strapless style piece of fondant and added a thin sausage shape across top in a slight V shape.

To make the veil, I rolled thin layers of white fondant and cut them into triangle shapes.... Using your fingers "ruffle" the fondant and place on the back of the minions head.. It really is easier than it looks.

Start layering the veil so that each section overlaps the last..

...until the back of the head (and my dodgy icing job) is covered.

Next I wanted to add a little bit of head jewellery so I rolled a sausage out of white fondant...

..stuck it to the front of its head and added some white pearls to decorate.

As Charlotte's colour theme is dusty pink, I added two roses (see future blog entry!) to her hair, and stuck them there with warm water and a little bit of pressure.

I also added the pearl beading along the edge of the wedding dress as well to match. 

To make the dress, I used the same technique as the veil... Cutting different sized triangles from white fondant, except this time you don't want just one layer... You need a few to "build up" the dress. As my minion is sat down we want the effect that her dress is ruffled, and quite princess like (why not!)

This means all the chocolate crumbs you may have dropped (just me then) can be covered by the dress...

I literally just ruffled up the fondant into any direction really...

Until the dress was a little bit 3D.

Make sure the dress fits on the cake board or you may have trouble moving it!

To finish off I made a sausage shape arm
out of yellow fondant and stuck it to the cake with warm water. I then made a few more smaller roses from pink fondant with a few green buttercream leaves for Charlotte to hold!

I placed a few more ivory sugar balls on the bottom of her dress to embellish it..and we're done.  I am fully aware she only has 1 arm but she will be holding hands with the groom and you shall see that on the next tutorial... Eg. The groom. However if you did want to do a runaway bride I'm sure you could figure out how to make another arm!